Spring Cleaning

Are you a spring cleaner? Spring cleaning is more of a hurry-up-and-finish-winter, cleaning for me. I try to do practical things during the gray days of winter so that I can more afford to cut back and get outdooors when the weather is nice. I’m at the hurry-up stage of this now. The weather is a mix of cold and gray, and sunny and glorious. I am trying to get as much done on the cold days as I can…looking forward to days outside.
Look out drawers and closets…I’m almost out of time.
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2 Responses to Spring Cleaning

  1. g says:

    What a lovely way of looking at things. blessings, g

  2. Maro says:

    I love to spring clean and have been doing my own over the past couple of days. Still have a ways to go but I will be done in time to get outside when the sun decides to break through and the days warm up. Hope you have a very blessed week.~Hugs~Marilyn~

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