Fall 2009

This is the least creative blog title ever!
The way MSN Spaces now works is a great frustration to me, specifically the integration of my hotmail, messenger and spaces stuff.  My blog life was just that, a blog life. I enjoyed it a great deal. Met so many great people. BUT…my messenger and hotmail accounts are largely for communicating with the "real life" people. While some blog friends have become real life friends, this melding of everything just drives me nuts.
The name thing…I was always Aunt Tea over here. Now I must choose, Aunt Tea for hotmail too, or real name for blog. Madning.
And now to Fall for those lovely people that have dropped by now and then…you know who you sweet people are….
I enjoyed the summer and held on to it for dear life almost all the way through October, Though I did have to embrace Fall in October with my camera!  Hanging on to summer makes for a holiday season that sneaks up on you! So now I am clinging to FALL and working my way to Christmas.
I shall try to refine my internet/blogging presence in various places. Clean it up a bit, update, link things together. I’ll be back.
Thanks for coming by today!
Feel free to tell me how you are getting along these days, and where you might have moved to on the ‘net.
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6 Responses to Fall 2009

  1. Wahzat says:

    Hi Aunt Tea… I feel the same way, but as a creature of habit and one who is reluctant to accept change I have been sticking with it. SO happy to see that you are still here and blogging so many of my usual spaces have moved to blogspot. I have a blogspot but I very rarely blog there I don\’t like it as much as I like MSN spaces. (I took a little break from the blogwalk my time and brain space was cluttered.) Have a great day

  2. Unknown says:

    welcome join us!! 5201314❤愛情網 http://love69.me

  3. Michelle says:

    Aunt tea…have not been by in a while…been hanging out FB and taking to listen to the Lord…anyway I have enjoyed visiting each of my "old" blogger friends…learning new things. Glad to know you are still here! Be well and stay warm!Grace to youshellhttp://grace4shell.spaces.live.com/

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